Northern Frontier

Dawn of Faith

Light creeps over the mountains and into the sky daily, warming the misty morning over Camp. The dawn fills the clouds with life, and hues of pink, orange, and red thunder dusk into day, a magnificent reminder of God’s artistry. As Psalm 19:1 proclaims, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the […]

Getting Uplugged

According to my quick rough math, our campers live without screen time for 168 hours from when they are dropped off. Our two-weekers are looking at about 336 hours screen-free. In this screen-free time, they’ve been living days full of new activities, forging new friendships, and strengthening old ones. Each night, meaningful conversations unfold during […]

Conections That Count

It’s heartwarming to witness the bonds strengthening between staff and campers in every corner of camp. Whether it’s the first encounter or a reunion, time holds no sway at Northern Frontier when it comes to forging meaningful connections. Despite their brief stay, these boys find a home away from home where friendships flourish effortlessly. Northern […]