Northern Frontier

Program Directors Summer ’24

Each summer, we bring on two administrative staff members to fill key roles. These men are charged with the task of supervising one of two divisions, Stockade and Battalion. We call their positions “Program Directors,” but that only begins to describe their responsibilities. Not only do they work through the day-to-day planning of the program […]

Get Your NF Swag Now

We’re so excited to announce the launch of our online merch store! We’re offering online exclusive apparel for our dedicated supporters. These items are available to you at cost, meaning there is a 0% markup for camp. We made this decision because we want these items to be as accessible as possible. If you’d like to […]

Assistant Camp Director Found!

We are pleased to announce that the search is over! Starting in the new year, Peter Westerman will be our new Assistant Camp Director. Click here to watch the announcement video or read about Pete’s testimony and history with Camp below. Hello NF Family and Friends! Let me begin by saying that it is truly […]

Website Update!

You may notice a few updates on our website. In the past, we’ve performed complete overhauls (you can check them out using the Wayback Machine: 2001, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2012, and 2017). It’s been five years since our last update, but this time we wanted to do things a bit differently. In the past our […]