CORE TRAINING is a challenging two-week program for young men 14-16 who desire to grow as men of God and hopefully become Northern Frontier staff.
The program focuses on Mark 12:30, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and love your neighbor as yourself.” CORE TRAINING is intended to direct focus first upward, then outward. Through various challenging, fun, and thought-provoking activities, these young men will examine what it means to be a man of God, how to serve God, and how to deal with life from a godly perspective. They will also be challenged physically and learn to rely on God and the other young men in the program.
The young men in this program will be charged to grow spiritually, memorize scripture, model, and develop accountability relationships throughout each day. They will be pushed through daily physical challenges and activities. This will be hard and fatigue them and make them push past where they thought they couldn’t go before with help from their peers and reliance on Christ for strength. Growing through failure is expected in this program. However, every activity has a purpose, and after each, there is time set aside to debrief and refocus the group on Christ. The young men will job shadow and be given opportunities to lead and follow; this will teach them what it takes to be a leader and help them understand through doing what it takes to prepare for leading a campfire, game, or bible devotion.
Lastly, these young men will learn about having and modeling a servant’s heart, this may be put into practice as a service project for NF, helping a nearby church’s vacation bible school, or assisting the leaders in some local trail work maintenance for the DEC.
Contact us directly: For more information, you can contact our office directly at office@northernfrontier.org or call us at (518) 251-2322