Northern Frontier




7 Days


$850 / session


For teen guys ages 14-17.

Join us at Northern Frontier as we explore God’s beautiful creation in the Adirondack Mountains. We will paddle through lakes, ponds, and rivers. During the day, we’ll navigate through scenic waterways and spend nights in serene campsites. Learn the fundamentals of kayaking, how to “pack light,” and how to maneuver your kayak in various conditions. Enjoy cruising larger lakes and the challenge of shallow water and twisting rivers. Take in spectacular wildlife and breathtaking scenery while being encouraged to grow in your relationship with God

This trip will require you to be in moderate shape. There will be points requiring a “portage” where the kayak will be traversed across the land to a connecting body of water. Food and supplies will be packed in dry backs, so it’s important only to bring the essentials. You will share outdoor living responsibilities as a group, including pitching a tent, cooking food, and cleaning the campsite. Each trip is accompanied by two great counselors who love the Lord, are certified Lifeguards, and are trained in Wilderness First Aid.

TRIPS gallery


Contact us directly: For more information, you can contact our office directly at or call us at (215) 493-2995


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