Northern Frontier




7 Days


$850 / person


For teen guys ages 14-17.

Join us at Northern Frontier as we explore God’s beautiful creation in the Adirondack Mountains. Using proper safety gear and supervised by experienced and trained staff, you will climb/rappel many of the majestic cliffs in Adirondack Park. You will review the basics of climbing (knots, harnesses, commands, safety). Then, after you practice and show competence in those, you will be taught more advanced skills (climbing techniques, rappelling, and anchor setting). This trip is very physical, and you should train in advance to strengthen your core, grip strength, and pull-ups. As physical as it is also a very chill and relaxing trip with no time crunches or deadlines. You progress and challenge yourself at your own pace.

You will become proficient in basic rock climbing skills and tackle some of Adirondack’s best rock climbing sites. Sites like The Beer Walls, Starbuck Mtn., Noonmark Mtn., Shanty Cliffs, Barkeater Cliffs, Chapel Pond area cliffs, The Creature Wall, Jewels, and Gem Wall, Deadwater, Poke-o-Moonshine, and much more.

You, two leaders, and seven other guys will be camping out and sharing a week of experiences, pushing yourself, making friends, working together, building trust, cooking your meals, setting up your campsite, sharing in rich biblical conversations, and being saturated in God’s beautiful and majestic creation. You will share stories about this week for a long time to come.

TRIPS gallery


Contact us directly: For more information, you can contact our office directly at or call us at (215) 493-2995


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