What makes camp special? There’s a sense of wonder and mystery at Northern Frontier. Every day is loaded with chances to explore the wilderness–the natural majesty of God’s creation. During the summer, we see hundreds of campers go on adventures. They take their first steps into something that they’ve never done before.
Doing something new can be uncomfortable, but we strive to help our campers overcome these challenges. We create opportunities to grapple with obstacles. Learning to start a fire, set up a campsite, tie knots, or climb a rock wall gives campers the confidence to attempt unfamiliar things.
Our counselors encourage each camper to take on a new challenge. For our first-timers, this can be especially hard. There are barriers for each of us that prevent us from trying something we’ve never done before. Am I strong enough? What if I can’t do it? That’s when they realize that they aren’t alone. Not only are they surrounded by other boys their age, but counselors, guides, and mentors who are cheering them on. Before long, he’s eager for more and more challenges.
With the barriers down, campers grow to overcome nervousness, take on new skills, and see the world differently than they’ve seen so far. Our hope is not to turn each boy into a rugged survivalist. That’s not our goal. Instead, we hope as they find themselves tangled up in God’s natural beauty, campers will feel a sense of responsibility for protecting and celebrating His creation. Finally, we pray that each camper, free from distractions, will encounter Christ.
That’s what makes camp special. It creates an atmosphere of authentic boldness that is rare today. As one boy finds the courage to leap from our high dive, another takes a brave step in his walk with Jesus.