What is Christian leadership? Christian leadership is involving others in the work of the Lord for their good and His glory. To put it another way, Christian leadership is the art of influencing others to commit to Christ and thus depend upon the power of the Holy Spirit in accomplishing what becomes a mutual objective for the good of all concerned and to the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Excellence in Christian leadership is not accomplished by using the secular concept of leadership and adding a spiritual emphasis. The spiritual emphasis cannot be added as another spoke in the wheel. It is the hub of the wheel. The spiritual emphasis is at the center from which all aspects have their origin and purpose. “Whatsoever you do in word and deed do all in the name of the Lord Jesus giving thanks (glory) to God and the Father by Him.” Colossians 3:17
Excellence in Christian leadership is primarily what a person is, not what he does. However, his actions, especially his reactions, will demonstrate what he is. Leadership techniques can be learned, but not Christian leadership.
Our Lord Jesus Christ was the best leader that ever lived. He spent three years with a staff of 12, which was sometimes augmented by many more. Did He achieve excellence in leadership? He had developed his staff in many skills–fishing, hiking, birds, flowers, storms, caring for the sick, Bible study, storytelling, counseling, food service, staff relations, taxes, praying, and many more. But did he succeed in developing excellence in leadership among his staff? At the time of his death, one betrayed Him, one denied Him, and all forsook Him. Did he fail? Not really, because a significant part of His program was designed to destroy self-sufficiency. He told His disciples, “Without me, you can do nothing”–nothing that is glorifying God. After their failure, all except Judas found success through the enabling power of the Holy Spirit.
The bottom line is not what we do but whether God has been glorified for what He has done in and through His people. He is glorified when He is given the honor, the credit, the praise, the thanks for what He has done and for who He is. We can learn leadership techniques and act like a Christian leader. We can act sincere and loving, but only God can transform us into true Christian leaders. He alone can give us His love, wisdom, and strength.
May the Holy Spirit control each of us so that we will be channels through whom He can flow in the involvement of others in the work of God to the glory of Christ and the good of all concerned, and thus excel in Christian leadership.

Cpt. Bruce Baker
Camp Director from 1971-1994
This article reflects the life of Bruce Baker and the impact his leadership has had on so many others!!!
Bruce lives what he teaches. He saw glimmers of leadership in a wise guy. I thank God for Bruce’s continuous influence in my life.
Captain Bruce Baker was, is and will be among the very best examples of humble, excellent servant leadership that I treasure and strive to emulate with the Spirit and the Word guiding me. Thanks for posting these outstanding thoughts on leadership!