The Camp Store carries a variety of items for sale, including t-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, laundry bags, water bottles, snacks, soft drinks, and more.
The store is open for all campers during their session (except for Sundays).
Campers can purchase stamps, postcards, and pens from the store for mailing letters home.
Please do not send cash with your camper. Campers will need a spending account to make purchases at the camp store. This will need to be set up through your UltraCamp account. We recommend a deposit of $30 per weeklong session.
All remaining balances will be returned to the camper at the end of his stay. Additional funds can be added even after arrival. Please notify our camp office when additional funds have been deposited.
Campers can submit an offering from their camp store during the Chapel Service on Sunday. The offering is given toward our missionary family, made up of our alumni.